Thanks to Retiring Directors
At the recent AGM four of our hardworking directors stood down from the Board. MCDC is very grateful to each of them for the significant amount of time and energy they gave to the community during their time as director. Kenny McLaughlin has been a director since 2022 and was also involved with MCTC where he served as the Chair and was instrumental in running the Harbour. Jennie Robertson has been a director since 2018 when she joined the existing hub and single-bed housing sub-group and worked on the project through to its completion in 2021. She then worked on the beginning of the family homes project until its current stage within the planning process. Jennie continues to work on the family housing project as a volunteer to continue to provide her insights along with Sarah Jones, who also served as a MCDC director in the past. Amy Stammers has been a director since 2019 and served as Vice-Chair. She was also part of the housing sub-group developing the hub and housing alongside Jennie. She worked to develop digital platforms for the car and the bikes and was also a director of MorVolts alongside Nick. Nick Tordoff has been a director since 2018 and was an integral part of the development and commissioning of Barr Hydro and MorVolts. He worked on the project from the early stressful stages of planning and securing the funding to enable the development to go ahead right through to managing the current operations that are starting to generate income for the community. Nick remains a director of MorVolts and is now the Chair. We’re sure the wider community will join us in our sincere thanks to each of these board members for giving so much of their time and expertise for the significant benefit of the community. Thank you very much to you all.