It’s our future? Have your say on the Local Place Plan for Morvern?
It’s time for you to have your say on the Local Place Plan. The plan consists of 22 proposals, ranging build environment, local path networks, protection of local heritage, the economy, tourism, the use of brown field land in the village and the preparation for climate change.
We are asking you to consider questions like:
- Where to build? What to Build?
- Are you a walker, what paths should we develop?
- How do we best share Morvern with visitors?
- What business would we like to see on the peninsula?
- What’s important when Knock Park is developed?
- Should we extend the protection of our natural environment? Land and sea?
- Do you support the establishment of woodland crofts?
The steering group has, for each proposal, indicated whether we support it, whether we have concerns or if it is a proposal where we are looking for more feedback from the community. We would very much appreciate both positive and negative feedback to enable us to judge the support within the community for the individual proposals.
We encourage all residents, interest groups and businesses on Morvern to engage with this process. Reviewing the comments you provide during the consultation we will go through the proposals one last time and decide if we need to change our position on any of the proposals before the plan is submitted to Highland Council.
It is important to note that all comments made through the consultation process will form part of the final submission.
We have divided Morvern Draft Local Place Plan into 7 sections – allowing you to review a section at a time. You can then submit your views via the surveys associated with each section.
Over the next three weeks we will hold a series of events as drop-in sessions where you can together with members of the steering group discuss proposals. We also aim to have a laptop available during these sessions to allow you to submit your feedback directly.
The timetable for the consultation events is:
Monday Nov 11 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM - The Hub
Housing, Movement, Heritage Land and sea
Tuesday Nov 12 1:30PM – 3:00 PM - Lochaline Village Hall
Housing, Movement, Heritage Land and sea
Tuesday Nov 19 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM - Lochaline Village Hall
Economy and Tourism - (Knock Park, Killundine, Rhemore, Timber Pier)
Saturday Nov 23 10:30AM-12:00PM Drimnin Village Hall
Across all proposals
Monday Nov 25 12:30 PM- 2:00 PM - Lochaline Village Hall
Community life and Local Resources, Climate Change
Wednesday Nov 27 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM The Hub
Community life and Local Resources, Climate Change.
We look forward to see you,
From The Morvern Local Place Plan Steering Group
Megan Whyte (MGGW);
Henriette Laidlaw (MCC, MCDC);
Sam Firth (MCDC, MCW, Rhemore Croft);
Douglas Taylor(MCC);
Annabel Lawrence (CAOLAS);
Sarah Jones (MCDC Housing);
Peter Lawson (Killundine Estate)