MCDC 2024 AGM Report

MCDC held its AGM on 5th November 2024. The Chair, Angus Robertson, opened the meeting with a moment of remembrance for Colin Thwaites and expressing MCDC’s heartfelt sympathy to Caroline and their family. “Colin was an invaluable member of the company for many years, always around to offer such good advice and help, largely as a willing volunteer and occasionally carrying out electrical work. More recently, MorVolts appointed him in an official capacity as our authorised person to deal with servicing and operating of all our high voltage equipment in the powerhouse. I also want to record the whole company’s appreciation of and support for all the LQS team. We work closely with them all as neighbours at the harbour, they are so important to our lives and MCDC will support them wherever we can.” 

The Chair thanked the Directors of each board for all of their hard work and also to those who have stepped down in the last year. He also thanked the team of staff and local contractors of all sorts and skills: “Without them, none of this would happen and we thank them for all their efforts and energy and commitment to the community and the company, throughout the period.”

The Chair also expressed sincere thanks to all of the Attic Team: “Recycling was a major target for the early years of Live Life Morvern and the Attic is a shining example of good recycling whilst also creating so much good feeling, charitable funds and that’s not even to mention the shiny new telephone box as well.” MCDC was very sorry to hear of the recent loss of Peter Llewellyn, a key member of the Attic team, and we would like to express our heartfelt condolences to Gillian. 

Jane Stuart Smith and Sam Firth retired as Elected Directors at the AGM and Keith Laidlaw stood down as a co-opted director but stood for election by the membership alongside Susan Taylor. Both Keith and Susan were elected by the membership to the board of MCDC.  Following the AGM, Sue Layton has retired from the Board and Miles Welsh was co-opted onto the Board at the December board meeting until the next AGM.

The full Chairman’s report and Treasurer’s Report can be found in the AGM minutes available to read on the website alongside the minutes from other board meetings throughout the year. 

We would like to express sincere thanks to all those who have served and continue to serve on the boards of MCDC, MCTC and MorVolts. They bring with them a wealth of skill, experience and energy and work very hard for the benefit of the community. The current directors are: 

Angus Robertson—Chair
Susan Taylor—Vice Chair 
Keith Laidlaw—Treasurer
Bob Jones
Miles Welsh
Henriette Laidlaw—MCC Representative

Dave Mealand—Chair
Emily Rosier—Treasurer
Bob Jones
Lesley Jones
Jennifer Rennie
Annie Tordoff

Nick Tordoff—Chair
Angus Robertson—Treasurer
Bob Jones
Amy Stammers






Submitted by mcdc-editor on Fri, 12/20/2024 - 16:04