Morvern Community Development Company Ltd Tuesday, 5th November 2024, 6pm,
LochalineVillage Hall
- Apologies and Proxies.
- Minutes of the last AGM (06/12/2023) – minutes can be found under this link MCDC Minutes | Morvern Community Development Company
- Chairman’s Report
- Auditor and Treasurer Report and presentation of Accounts*
- Appointment of Auditors
- Retirement/Election of Directors**
- Subscription fees (proposed to remain @ £1 for life)
- A.O.B.
Immediately following the AGM there will be an ordinary meeting of the company at which the new board will elect office bearers of MCDC and may appoint directors of its two subsidiaries, MCTC and MorVolts. MCC representatives on the MCDC board will also be confirmed at this meeting.
* Summary of the Accounts to end March 2024 will be available at the AGM and on the website. Should any member wish to view the accounts prior to the meeting, please view the accounts under this link MCDC Accounts | Morvern Community Development Company
** in terms of the Company’s Articles of Association Jane Stuart – Smith and Bob Jones are due to resign in rotation and not available for re – election. Keith Laidlaw is also to stand down as co-opted director and is available for election. There are 4 director vacancies on the board. Any person wishing to be considered as a Director must be an Ordinary member (or eligible to become one) and must deliver their intention in writing (supported by two ordinary members) to the MCDC office (development@morvern.org) no later than 6pm on 28th October 2024.
We encourage all members to attend the AGM, but if you are not able to come to the AGM, you can appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf.
We will send out the form to appoint a proxy, if election is required, once we have a final list of candidates for directorship after the closing date for directorship nominations on 28th October 2024. You can use this form to appoint the proxy and instruct them on how you want them to vote. Please follow instructions on the proxy form and return the proxy as soon as possible and not later than 48 hours before the start of the AGM, after which time it will become invalid. Anyone wishing to become a new member should contact the MCDC office.
If you require any of this information in any other format, please contact the MCDC office.
Signed………… ……… Lilia Dobrokhodova (Company Secretary)