MCDC and MCTC Director Bios
In recent newsletters we have published introductions to our MCDC and MCTC directors. In this edition we are delighted to introduce more of the Morvern Community Trading Company (MCTC) directors and two newly appointed MCDC Directors who have kindly provided an introduction to themselves in their own words. As always, if you would like to contact any of the directors, please email admin@morvern.org and your message will be passed on.
Susan Taylor - MCDC Director

I first came to Morvern in November 1990 , to work as a locum in the GP practice- freshly back from my honeymoon. Between 1990 and 1994 I worked as an Associate GP between the GP practice in Ardnamurchan and Morvern before moving to Lochaline permanently in 1994. I served as the resident GP until June 2022, and now have returned to my original position of locum GP for Highland practices ( not much of a career progression – but I like it).
During my working career I managed to have a new Health Centre built and was on various medical committees that ensured the village continued to have a permanent medical professional with dispensing services. I have raised my two children locally – and was part of the campaign to build a secondary school in Strontian. I have served on many committees in the village through the years – both primary and secondary parent councils, been a community councillor and on the village hall committee. I helped to set up Morvern Community Trust , which is now well established as our local funding charity. I did previously serve as an MCDC councillor when the electric car was being introduced , but had to stand down due to work and family pressures.
Having lived in the area for over 30 years , I feel that I understand this community and can see how the population demographic is changing. My son has recently returned to live and work in Morvern and he has made me aware of the needs of our younger community. I hope I can offer a listening ear and use some of my experience of living and working in this area to ensure that MCDC delivers the services that are needed.
Miles Welsh - MCDC Director
Although I’m not a Morvern native, Morvern is the place where I feel truly at home. I was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. At the age of nine we moved to Livingstone near the Victoria Falls. A few years later we moved to Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, where I spent my teens.
At the age of nineteen I left Africa to travel around Europe, eventually arriving in Britain. A variety of employments followed. I also obtained a BSc in Cognitive Psychology.
My last employment was at The University of Essex. My responsibilities included the University IT Help Desk; The Programming Advisory Service and The Software Library.
I was also co-opted by Price Waterhouse Coopers to develop a corporate database during their efficiency study of the University. My interest in IT and its developments have continued.
Events in my personal life then caused a major change of direction. I took early severance from the University in order to care for my wife who had progressive MS. We moved to County Durham where I bought and renovated a derelict stone cottage.
Being a full-time carer meant I could devote my spare time to DIY. The challenge was to make the house comfortable and economical to run. It led me to research into domestic energy use, its control and its conservation.
During my time as a carer, I needed advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) regarding local authority charging for care. It resulted in me taking a formal complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. I won the case; it changed Local Authority policy.
When my wife lost the fight against MS I decided to join the CAB and qualified as a volunteer advisor. It started a new and most interesting chapter in my life. Being a CAB advisor, one deals with a truly diverse range of human, legal and administrative issues. Initially I worked in County Durham but then the call of the hills took over.
Over the twenty years as a carer I took many three-day breaks to enjoy the Highlands, walking, kayaking, camping wild. It seemed obvious to move to Scotland. In 2015 I bought a sadly neglected property in Lochaline. In 2016 Jen and I married. I re-joined the CAB in Fort William, resuming the role of volunteer advisor.
The Lochaline property was ideal for a Passivhaus retro-fit, an Enerphit project. As a DIY project it really deserves proper exposition elsewhere. The result is a comfortable, healthy and energy-efficient home. My interest in energy-efficiency and healthy housing continues.
In February 2024 I stepped down from the CAB as pressures from another voluntary occupation – hospital driving for Urram – took more of my time. I also started to devote more time to the exceptional community in which we live. I hope I can contribute something useful.
Jennifer Rennie - MCTC Director

I’m a fairly recent member of MCTC. Mark and I are relatively new to Morvern, having moved on our retirement last year. However, we know the area very well from holidays which always brought us west to this area.
I was born in Falkirk, so can call myself a Falkirk Bairn, and was brought up in Larbert. I’m from a musical family and had a passion for music, singing in particular, from early childhood.
After studying Music in Aberdeen, I taught in the Aberdeen area until last year, initially as a Music teacher, but then as Principal Teacher Music, Principal Teacher Guidance, Assistant Head and Depute Head. I am very passionate about the education of children and young people. I believe that schools exist for the benefit of young people and that everything we do should be based on that premise. I have particular interest in child welfare and child protection, having been the child protection officer for over twenty years. Currently, I love volunteering as a Music Teacher at Lochaline school which is a very different experience from a city centre secondary school of over a thousand pupils, and a fabulous part of my week.
My passion for singing, sacred music in particular, gave me a solo career under the tutelage of Raymund Herincx. I sang with St Machar Cathedral Choir and the Aberdeen Bach Choir for many years. I enjoyed my role as assistant conductor of the Bach Choir, and I ran a staff choir at school which was very successful and great fun. I enjoy Early and Renaissance music and played in an Early music Ensemble. Unfortunately, my vocal cords have deteriorated, so I am reverting to my orchestral instrument, flute. I’m hoping to start a ukelele group in the new year and hope to see some of you there.
Mark and I love living in Morvern with our two dogs and feel very lucky to have come to such a beautiful, friendly, vibrant and welcoming community. I believe in working with and for the future of this amazing community and will give of my best, so please don’t hesitate to talk with me and share your views and ideas.
Annie Tordoff - MCTC Director
I am a nurse and midwife by background and apart from a few years in catering I have worked in the NHS or charity sector for over 30 years. I have been lucky to hold leadership roles in the NHS in Yorkshire, Argyll and Bute and various charities including Sue Ryder, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and I was Scotland Director for Parkinson’s UK until my retirement in 2022.
We have been regular visitors to Morvern for 35 years before moving here full time nearly 10 years ago. It was an amazing environment for our then young children to learn to play in a huge open space as we towed dinghy’s, kayaks and bikes for the annual or twice yearly adventure. As fully fledged adults they are so appreciative of those experiences that Morvern gave them as youngsters and come home regularly to continue their adventures and recharge.
Locally, and in the wider area, I spend my time walking, cycling , swimming and sailing as well as helping out on volunteer days with others eg CAOLAS or in our community wood. Or just wondering about with my binoculars. I did a term of office as secretary of Morvern community council through the pandemic and was on the steering group of the Live Life Morvern Community Action Plan during 2022/23. I have recently joined the board of Planning Aid Scotland who have supported us with this work. I am looking forward to working with others in MCTC who have a wealth of expertise and skills and hope together we will continue to realise our aspirations for people living here and our visitors.